When it comes to artificial eyelashes, it takes a lot of expertise in using glue and tweezers, as well as a lot of upkeep! Is lash augmentation even a viable option? I don’t think so! If these approaches are a no-no for you too, it’s time to turn to some simple and natural solutions. When you aren’t blessed with naturally-long lashes, you’re well aware that even the thickest, most volumizing mascaras can leave your lashes looking sad and stubby. Sometimes, you strive to find the best solutions to obtain thicker and longer eyelashes in various ways, and occasionally fail. But not today. We’ve got some easy, do-it-yourself tricks to get your lashes on fleek ‘naturally’.
1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is high in useful nutrients like proteins, minerals, and fatty acids, in addition to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Natural chemicals that encourage hair development are also present. To apply, you only require about 2-3 drops of oil. Since castor oil has a thick consistency, it’s best you use it before you go to bed. After washing your face and doing your skincare routine, use your finger, a cotton swab or a mascara wand and gently apply the oil on your lashes. If excess oil gets into your eye, don’t panic. It’ll only blur your vision for a few seconds.
2. Petroleum Jelly

You know the brand – Vaseline! Vaseline petroleum jelly moisturizes and nourishes the lash lines, promoting rapid lash hair development. Petroleum jelly on the lids also keeps the area hydrated and supple, which is beneficial to the overall health of the eyelashes. Another suggestion is to use petroleum jelly before applying mascara to keep your lashes from becoming dry and brittle, as well as to make it simpler to remove your eye makeup in one smooth swipe.
Using a Q-tip, apply the gel on your lashes and let it be till the next morning. If you’re using mascara, use the same method and let the gel sit for a bit before you get on with your mascara.
3. Shea Butter

Shea butter is known for its skin moisturizing and hair softening effects. It works wonders in promoting eyelash growth because it’s high in vitamins A and E. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that can nourish your eyelashes naturally by going deep into their roots. To apply, take a small amount of shea butter and rub it between your fingers till it melts. Then, apply it on the upper and lower lashes. Leave it overnight. You could also choose to warm up the shea butter using the double boiler method and add a few drops of vitamin E oil.
4. Green Tea

And you thought they were made for drinking only! Green tea is not only good for detoxing the body, it is also good for the eyelashes. It’s as simple as soaking some green teabags or leaves in hot water. After the water has cooled, use cotton swabs to apply the water to the lashes and leave it overnight. Green tea bags can also be applied to the eyes for a half-hour or so and will have the same effect.
5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Gel is one of the most popular beauty products on the market because of its natural and herbal features, which provide you with a plethora of immediate benefits. This tropical cactus plant also promotes the development of longer, thicker lashes. Apply aloe vera gel to your lashes and wait for it to dry. You can either wash it off with water or leave it overnight after about 5 minutes. You can use store-bought aloe vera gel or aloe vera gel straight from the plant for this remedy. It’s best if it’s as pure as possible. Because aloe vera gel might be difficult to work with, use a mascara wand instead.
6. Coconut Oil

Natural oils can improve the length and strength of your lashes. A well known oil would be coconut oil as it can be used to treat thinning and damaged eyelashes and aid their regrowth. Dip a Q-tip in coconut oil and apply in on your lashes to treat thinning and damaged eyelashes. You can do this remedy daily and leave it overnight. Try not to apply too much, as coconut oils will leave oily film on lashes and weigh them down.
More on lashes? Read this:
SHIMMER WITH SYAHIRA: Lash Separators Are A MUST-HAVE Beauty Tool For Perfect Lashes