This generation is so obsessed with finding red flags in life that sometimes, we fail to acknowledge the green flags in front of our eyes. Sure, it’s easy to pinpoint all the bad things in life, but what about zeroing in on the good ones? It’s a reminder that you’re doing the right thing and heading in the right direction on this crazy ride we call life.
Being aware of the right choices you’re making can enable you to make making healthy choices a habit – and we’re all for incorporating healthy coping methods into our lives, aren’t we? When you see a green flag, quickly acknowledge it and give yourself credit! Consider it an internal endorsement that you’re living your best life for your future self.

Related article: Practice These Simple Habits Every Morning And Watch Your Life Transform
When you look in the mirror and understand that your happiness is inherent in you and with you. Not from anyone else. You have complete control over it.
When you downsize on your number of friends because you realize not everyone has your best intentions at heart. Declutter your social media followings too. Because other people’s lives do not interest you anymore.
When you go for someone who helps you grow and blossom instead of holding you back. You’re looking for someone to invest in until you’re old and gray instead of hooking up with different people once a week.
When you prioritize your trajectory and goals for life instead of always choosing the “fun” option or plans.
When you find a passion and make it your career. When you wake up in the morning and look forward to starting your job. When you find yourself enjoying every bit of your work instead of whining every minute.
When you notice that the “wants” are not necessary and start saving for a “need.” When you start saving more and spending less.
When you know that your time and energy are valuable and shouldn’t be taken for granted, meaning you’re not wasting them.
More on self-improvement? Read this:
Practice These Simple Habits Every Morning And Watch Your Life Transform