From the looks of you, we think you had a good time with your beau. A VERY good time, we reckon, considering all those love bites on your neck. So now, you’re concerned, because love bites may last anywhere from 5 to 12 days, depending on your health and the severity of the bites – and you’re looking for ways to conceal them.

You can’t wear turtlenecks all the time, especially in Malaysia’s sweltering heat. But don’t worry – there are a few things you can do to cover up your love bites, and effectively get rid of them.
Ice, Ice Baby

A love bite is essentially bruising – and what do you do if you have a bruise? You put some ice on it. Pop some ice into a plastic bag and gently place it on the love bite for about 10 mins. It will probably go away in a few days’ time.
Or, just place a spoon in a freezer and pop it on your hickey the morning after you’ve had your fun with your boo. It’s the easiest, most efficient way to get rid of your hickey quickly, and it won’t melt like ice would.
Just Brush It Off
A toothbrush, believe it or not, may also eliminate a lot of love bites! Brushing on the bite marks will increase blood circulation, which will cause the markings to go away. After 15 minutes, apply a cool cloth to the affected region.
Brushing too hard might aggravate the biting effect; if the redness persists, apply an ice pack and wait for it to cool. Continue with this procedure until the bite mark fades.
Minty Fresh
Toothpaste, particularly peppermint-based toothpaste, is another tooth-cleaning tool that may be used to efficiently remove love bites. I know, it’s insane. All you have to do is gently rub the toothpaste onto your skin and wait a few minutes. It may sting for a time, but after the pain abates, gently wipe it off with a warm towel.
Repeat the treatment if the bruises do not fade within 24 hours. It should be noted that peppermint should not be used on skin on a daily basis, to avoid dermal damage.
Handy Dandy Concealer

If you really want a quick-fix, a concealer would suffice. Just dab on some concealer on the love bite – with your finger and not a sponge, since sponges absorb product – and tap on it until it is concealed. Use some powder to set it and pray that nobody notices it!
To completely hide your love bite with makeup, use a green colour corrector. Love bites are reddish in colour and the red, contrasted with green, is cancelled out. Afterwards, put on your concealer and powder – and watch the magic work. No love bite in sight!
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