We believe that luxury handbags are among the few items worth investing in. However, as much as we all want to indulge in the latest trending luxury bags, we need to focus more on the staples – the ones that will last a long time. Rather than those trendy bags that will be out of style in a month or two, the classics should be in your closet right now.
So, if you’re undecided about which luxury item to invest in, here are a few must-have classic bags that will take you through the seasons and instantly boost your style.
COACH Tabby Shoulder Bag
COACH has fully revamped its whole brand to cater to a much larger demographic that can experience their luxurious bags. They have since launched tasteful and amazing bags that could be staples in your wardrobe. The COACH Tabby Shoulder Bag is a must-have to complete your look, regardless of whether you’re going out on a dinner night, or just a casual hang out brunch with your besties.
Dior Lady Dior
The Lady Dior purse is one of Dior’s most iconic designs. It’s a classic and instantly recognisable piece of fashion that was even used by Princess Diana at one point. While Dior is usually more costly, if you’re looking for your first Dior bag, we recommend investing in Lady Dior because it tends to increase in value over time.
Chanel Classic Handbag
A Chanel purse is the epitome of luxury. Because Chanel’s quilted design bag is so well-known, it’s strongly suggested that you buy one to elevate your outfit. Since Coco Chanel developed this purse in 1955, quilted patterns have been important aspects of the brand’s heritage. Despite its quaint sizing, you can virtually fit anything in there that you would need to go out and about. With the classic double C clasp on the flap, people could see you sporting Chanel from a mile away.
Prada Black Cleo
Prada’s shoulder bags are must-have accessories that virtually never go out of style, and can be incorporated into any outfit. The Prada Cleo bag features a sleek and refined design that makes it a major fashion statement. Fashion journalists and influencers all around the globe recognise it. Which is why, if you want to invest in Prada, go for the Cleo purse.
Dior Saddle Bag
When this bag was first released, everyone who was anyone desired it. Dior’s first Saddle Bag, launched in 1999, while John Galliano was still the house’s creative director, and its high resale value, proves that it’s still in demand today. The Dior Saddle bag has such a distinct appearance that it is unsurprising that it can be worn throughout the seasons. If you’re not interested in the Lady Dior, the Saddle Bag should be your next purchase.
Louis Vuitton Neverfull
This is the bag that everyone has seen and should get. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull gets its name from the fact that it can hold almost anything. It’s a terrific travel bag for when you want to vacation overseas, or for carrying your laptop to work. It’s the ideal canvas bag for transporting anything you need for the day. Plus, if you’re a logo aficionado, the LV monogram that runs the length of the bag should appeal to you.
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