Question: what’s more annoying than acne? BACNE. You can’t see them, sometimes you can’t even reach them, and worst of all, they heal much more slowly than facial acne! If you’re currently dealing with these annoying zits, we totally get it, they’re extremely frustrating! But there might be a solution to end all this misery! Here are 5 tips to get rid of bacne!
Switch out your body wash
It’s time to switch out your cocoa butter body wash with something that actually zaps your zits. Ingredients such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid can reduce dead skin cells on your back to avoid clogging. Another option is to use benzoyl peroxide body wash, which helps to eliminate the bacteria that causes acne. So, make sure to clean your back thoroughly every day because we want those pores to be unclogged!
Don’t sit in your sweat
Bacteria thrives on sweaty skin, so make sure to shower as soon as possible after your work out or after work. During your shower, make sure to rinse out your shampoo and conditioner thoroughly, because they can leave a residue which can clog your pores and cause bacne! So stop looking at your phone and take a shower, NOW!
Exfoliate regularly
It’s always a good idea to exfoliate regularly, whether it’s your face or your body. But, be GENTLE! This is because you don’t want to aggravate your skin, which will make it worse. Like body wash, you should find a gentle exfoliating scrub with ingredients such as salicylic acid to remove the dirt and oils that clog up your skin. So don’t be lazy girlies, exfoliate!!
Don’t pick, spot treat!
As tempting as it may be, NEVER pick your bacne. Don’t squeeze, don’t pick, and don’t scratch! These will only lead to scarring, which is way harder to get rid of, especially since the skin on your back heals much more slowly than your face. Instead, give them a spot treatment by applying benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid gel.
Wear clean & loose clothing
As we mentioned above, sweat and bacteria clog pores. So, when it comes to clothing, make sure to wear clean ones. Besides, tight clothing could irritate your bacne since it could trap dirt and sweat. So, wear looser-fitting clothing that lets your skin breathe!
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