Our communication skills can have a huge influence on our attractiveness to others, and a lot of this consists of non-verbal communication. When it comes to dating, it is important to use both verbal and non-verbal communication skills! So get your flirt on because we are gonna talk about non-verbal skills that make you more attractive!
Maintain Good Eye Contact

As uncomfortable as it is for many people, maintaining eye contact lets people know that you’re interested. It shows that you’re engaged in the conversation, which makes you more attractive! When you’re constantly looking away or avoiding eye contact, it would look like you’re trying to end the conversation or that you’re distracted, which aren’t great if you’re trying to maintain a good conversation. But make sure not to overdo it – we’re not going for a creepy stare!
Smile More
Studies have shown that people who smile more are more attractive compared to people who rarely smile. It shows that you’re a positive person. So, just be natural and don’t try to hide your smile!
Mirroring The Other Person In A Conversation

When talking about mirroring the other person, I don’t mean deliberately copying every single thing they do. This can be achieved just by noticing the smaller details! For example, when the person you’re talking to is leaning in, you could lean in as well, or, when the other person seems tense, you could try to make them feel more comfortable by sitting in a more relaxed posture. This shows that you are empathetic towards them, which can lead to a stronger connection!
Casually Touch Them
A friendly touch on the shoulder or nudge on the elbow can go a long way, as it makes them feel closer to you. Little things like a brush on the arm during a movie date might just make your date feel more attracted to you! One important thing to note about this is not everyone likes to be touched. So make sure that the other person is comfortable with it!
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