Relationships are tricky and although there are books out there that provide advice on how to maintain healthy and balanced relationships, we’re really on our own, you know? All that you need to be is decent and respectful, because those qualities makes you human, obvi.

But there are things that you can and should do to impress your partner. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a grand romantic gesture (which also works, duh) but just simple, non-romantic actions and expressions, which can do more than you might think.

The key to a healthy relationship is constant communication. If your partner has something on their mind, don’t let them bottle it all up and expect you to be able to read their mind. Expressing one another’s worries would create a space where you both can be vulnerable towards each other. Never keep your worries inside, because it will just make things worse.
Be Understanding

Of course, when expressing your feelings, your partner must be understanding. There’s no point in your significant other telling you about their concerns if you suddenly become hostile towards them. That’s not a relationship worth investing in and I would skedaddle too. You and your partner would have developed a space in which you can both discuss each other’s concerns. Hence, be understanding – it’s not even that hard.
Safe Space

Giving your partner a safe space for them to vent and express their emotions is the best thing that you can do. It’s a place where they are free from judgement and can just let loose and spill everything about themselves and not be ashamed for it. Also, it should be a space where they can easily say no and set their boundaries with you to create a well-balanced relationship

Showing appreciation towards your lover does wonders. Simple phrases and expressions based on what you notice about them could make their day instantly. It shows that you genuinely care and acknowledge the way they look or speak. Those little words of affirmation would mean the world to them and they will remember it forever.
More relationship advice? Read here: