Have you ever been in a situation where your vulva just suddenly attacks you with an unbearable itch… somewhere in the midst of a crowd, or while you’re taking a stroll at the mall? And the itch just doesn’t stop?
So why does this even happen? Why is a body part that is well hidden under a layer of clothes, able to cause incredible itchiness?
Easy! You have vulvitis, my dear. Oh, no – it’s not a disease that you should be worried about, it’s an inflammation of the vulva. This happens when the soft folds of skin on the exterior of female genitals get irritated. Infection, allergic reaction, injury while shaving, wearing rough material undies, or even food allergies can be the reasons behind this uneasy irritation. As you know, our vajayjay is extremely soft and tender due to its moistness and warmth, thus the vulva’s skin is highly prone to sensitivity – leading to this itchiness you might possibly be having.

Is it normal for everyone to have vulvitis?
Vulvitis can afflict every woman, regardless of age. Vulvitis may be more common in girls who have not reached puberty or in postmenopausal women. With their lower estrogen levels and thinner, dryer vulvar tissues, they may be more susceptible to the condition.
What are the major triggers behind this itchy dilemma?
Hormone Changes
If you’re in a phase of life where you’re about to get your period for the first time, breastfeeding, or if you’re in the menopausal stage, your estrogen levels drop significantly. Low estrogen can cause your vaginal lining to thin, causing discomfort and irritation. When you finish breastfeeding, or once your period is back to normal, this itchiness will eventually subside.
Staying On The Same Pad For Long Hours

When you use a sanitary or maxi pad for long hours, it’s likely that you’ll get a rash. Itching, swelling, and redness are all possible side effects. It is probable that the rash is caused by irritation from the pad’s material.
Pubic Lice
The itching in the vaginal and pubic areas may also be caused by pubic lice, which are those tiny crab-like creatures. They typically cling to pubic hair. They may also attach to coarsely-haired parts of the body. An over-the-counter lice-killing lotion can be used to treat pubic lice. Severe cases may necessitate the use of prescription topical medicine.
Wearing The Wrong Undies

Itching can also be triggered by underwear that has been washed in scented detergent and/or fabric softener, tight underwear/thongs, or staying in a damp bathing suit. It’s vital to make sure our vagina has got space to breathe by not keeping them held in a tight space, making them uncomfortable.
The bottom line is, please don’t associate vaginal itchiness with yeast infection because that’s a completely different condition. Vaginal irritation isn’t always a sign of a yeast infection. It could be, but treating a yeast infection that doesn’t exist could make detecting the actual cause of vaginal itch more difficult. This may disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in your vaginal canal, inflaming your vulva even more!

So, take a break, wear some loose clothing, wash your vagina with lukewarm saltwater, avoid using any vaginal wash at the moment, and don’t scratch at it, causing further damage!
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