Following on Lipstiq’s recent article on pick-me girls, you may be wondering if there are other types of “pick me” people out there. Specifically, since we’ve delved into pick-me girls, the ladies may be wondering if there is the male equivalent, so that they can avoid future encounters with them.
Well, here are some red flags for you just in case you may have been approached by one and you can carefully take yourself out of their lives for good.

To better understand these red flags, however, one must know what a pick-me guy is. A “pick-me guy” is essentially like a “pick-me girl” in that “they are not like other dudes”. They use manipulative and guilt-tripping tactics in hopes of getting the girls that they want. These tactics are what I will be sharing for girls to take note of if they happen to run into them.
1. Nice Guys Finish Last
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this phrase before – but just in case you have not, let me explain. The idea of “the nice guy finishing last” basically indicates that girls usually go for guys who would treat them badly, but never the ones that are nice… which are, you guessed it, the pick-me guys. The nice guy trope isn’t always nice because there are always motives behind their behaviour – and it’s never good.
2. Self-Deprecation Dude
Just as the heading indicates, pick-me guys would literally speak badly about themselves in hopes that girls would pity them. It’s a pretty common tactic for them to try to spark a conversation with a girl – but do not, and I repeat, DO NOT FALL FOR IT.
Quick disclaimer: In no way shape or form am I belittling men’s insecurity. It should be talked about much more in our community. However, there’s a big difference between being insecure and using it as a weapon to manipulate girls into talking.
3. “You’re Not Like The Other Girls”
Hate to break it to you girls, but that’s 100% manipulation right in your face. It might look like they are flirting, but chances are, they are literally just trying to get to you by putting other women down. And we can’t do that here. #girlssupportgirls
Women are already amazing as they are, and there is no need to throw others under the bus for a guy, especially a pick-me guy.
Sure, relationships are hard to come by, but being single doesn’t last forever. A perfect guy will waltz right into your heart one day and you will completely swoon as he picks you up off your feet!
Want to know other red flags from different people around you? Check out this article:
Bestie Is Naaaasty! 5 Red Flags You’re In A Toxic Friendship