When one thinks of birth control, the first couple of things that pop into mind are condoms and the pill. Of course, there are also more extreme contraception methods like vasectomy, the tying of the Fallopian tubes, inserting an IUD and more.

Unbeknownst to many, including yours truly until very recently, there is another form of birth control that sounds incredibly Sci-Fi. The concept of it might sound foreign, but we assure you that it is real indeed. We present to you – the birth control implant called the Nexplanon.

The what?
The Nexplanon is a tiny rod about the size of a matchstick that is inserted under your skin in your upper arm by a certified healthcare practitioner. It then steadily and slowly releases the hormone progestin into your bloodstream for a period of up to 3 years. Progestin prevents the release of an egg each month and can also thicken the cervical mucus. When the latter happens, fertilisation is prevented as this makes it more difficult for sperm to move through the cervix.

Dumbfounded yet?
Long story short, the implant is inserted in your upper arm and you will be free to just go on with your usual sexy time for 3 years without worrying about unwanted pregnancies. You don’t have to panic when you forget to use the pill or if the condom breaks. And, it is over 99% effective! If you’re wondering whether it will affect your fertility, rest assured that it doesn’t, as you can just as easily get it removed if you’re planning on getting pregnant and everything will be back to normal.

But, wait, don’t pop the champagne just yet …
As it is with every medical procedure, there are bound to be unfavourable side effects. The most common ones include irregular spotting and change in the menstrual cycle – some women experience longer and heavier periods but for most people, it can get lighter.

Other possible, but rare, side effects can include headaches, breast pain, nausea, weight gain, acne, ovarian cysts, mood swings, pain or bruising where the implant was inserted or infection at the site. There is also a slightly increased risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Another important thing to take note of is that the implant definitely does not prevent STDs, so do keep using a condom if you’re sexually active with multiple partners.
Sign me up already!
Sold on the idea? According to Female Mag, the price per insertion is RM500 and RM100 for removal, but of course, it might vary depending on which clinic or hospital you visit. If you’re legitimately planning on getting one soon, you can drop by Dr Sharifah Women’s Specialist Clinic or Gleneagles.
We advise you to go to a reputable place, make sure you trust your doctor and are completely aware of all the risks involved.
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