Those that have been dwelling and missed the 2021 Olympics at Japan this year, worry not as the next Olympics scheduled to take place at Paris, France welcomes Malaysians to be apart of its prodigious event as volunteers!

Yessss! Registrations shall be open in 2023 and there will be approximately 50,000 volunteers in need. Those that are keen to step foot at the city of love you’re definitely recommended to register ya self!!
Mind you, to be selected as volunteers you will need to be 18 years and above.

The job scope that’s required to be met by the volunteers are as follows;
- Dealing with accommodation and accreditation.
- Handling arrivals and departures at train stations and airports.
- Ushering and directing spectators flow.
- Providing language assistance.
- Helping to organise tournaments.
For more deets regarding the volunteering services, click HERE