Nostalgic moments make people want to connect, and a past love interest can sometimes be stirred more easily than a new one. Holidays, birthdays, or cultural events are springboards for exes to re-connect, (I’m talking about those random ‘’You Up?’’ text messages at 2am!). Especially if you were the one who got away or there was no authoritative conclusion on the relationship.

It’s normal after a breakup to start thinking about the entirety of the incredible recollections you’ve had together, or out of nowhere become concentrated on the positive characteristics of ex-beau. It is a typical procedure for people to think back about the past, and as frequently, as we play back the image of memory in our mind, the picture becomes more and more rosy and you forget all of the reasons why you broke up in the first place.
Whatever the reason behind your toxic exes reaching out, just remember you have choices.
When you notice yourself starting to dreamily recollect the highlight reel of your relationship, direct your thoughts to something else. It is often helpful to interrupt your thoughts by engaging in an activity that requires some mental focus, like reading a short article or doing a work task. Or, get out and socialize with a friend or coworker to get your mind off things. Repeat this tip every time you notice your thoughts wandering to the good old days, and over time you’ll find that you reminisce less and less, and it will become easier to redirect your thinking.

At the point when you notice yourself beginning to groggily remember the feature reel of your relationship, direct your musings to something different. It is regularly useful to intrude on your musings by taking part in an action that requires some psychological center, such as perusing a short article or doing a work task. Or then again, get out and associate with a companion or colleague to get your brain off things.
Whatever the reason behind your toxic exes reaching out, just remember you have choices. Creating your own goodbye ritual will help you to achieve closure and move on from this chapter in your life as you welcome the next ‘’healthy’’ adventure. Now, put your phone down, sis.