You’re happy, you’re successful, and you’re thriving. Things are going great with your job, your family, your personal life. You seem to be having fun again, you updated your looks and your wardrobe and not to mention—your Insta DM is flooded with freaky messages… but then all of a sudden boom. Your ex appears. In the DM’s, your LinkedIn chat, or worse, in a late-night 3am message.

There they come, ruining your happiness again. When they know you’re happy, and totally over them—that’s when they come back. Just to f*cked up with you. I don’t know how to explain this but, exes just know. I’m not sure how, but they do. It’s like they have a 6th sense or something?
And then it makes you wonder, ‘’Am I really interested in re-starting a romance with this person?’’, ‘’Do I even want to see or talk to this person?’’, ‘’Maybe he’s changed. Should I give another go?’’. Oh honey, believe me, you don’t want to reconcile. You’re just confused. First of all it’s vital to understand the various reasons why this person may have come back in the first place. And let me tell you, when an ex comes back into the picture, you have every right to doubt their intentions! And the reason could not be because they’re still in love with you.
When they know you’re happy, and totally over them—that’s when they come back. Just to f*cked up with you
Exes come back for a multitude of reasons, but more often than not, they are looking for some confirmation that they are a human being worthy of love. In a society that values relationships, being single isn’t the most chic and thus, can make people uncomfortable.

If they’re feeling emotional, or going through a tough time, it is possible that they might remember moments where you helped them through it together and get nostalgic. You’re just a warm memory for them that they want to feel again—even if it’s over. Nostalgic moments make people want to connect, and an old flame can sometimes be stoked more easily than a new one.
You’re just a warm memory for them that they want to feel again—even if it’s over
They could also be wondering what you’re doing, who you’re hanging out with. You also could be dating someone new and guess what? It’s actually killing them. Not that they still want to be with you, duh, but it majorly sucks to see you with someone else. You’re proving yourself to be really independent which is super attractive, and also can get your ex worrying about whether or not you need them. And of course, the answer is no.
In conclusion, nostalgia can kill and memories are often what we choose to remember. Try to focus on who you are, what you want, and where you want to go. Sometimes, you have to leave people behind. Even those that you thought would be beside you the whole way through.