Who can ever diminish the memory of a brewing new relationship? People say that’s the best part of any relationship with butterflies tickling your stomach before every date, make up and dressing on point, both sides taking extra efforts just to catch a glimpse of each other, and contentment of the never-ending romance. The reason why all this becomes a distant memory for many is because people and relationships take a turn after the ‘honeymoon’ period ends. Behaviour, romance, eagerness and priorities change which brings in a new definition to the relationship.
The underlying reasons to why the elements in the relationships changes is due to the mere fact that both parties were putting on a façade during the new relationship phase to ensure it blooms perfectly. Once they have reached where they have longing to be, the ‘true self’ awakens and everything else takes a shift.
If you’re in a new relationship, we can’t stress enough how important it is to portray your true genuine self to lead a meaningful future. Relationships are beyond romance and intimacy, while trust and selflessness being the core of it.
If you want your precious new relationship to be rock solid, ensure you adhere to these 5 things.
Never pretend to like things you actually hate
You should never pretend to like a certain something just because your partner is a fan of it. You have to be true to yourself by being transparent about your likes and dislikes. Its better-off to lay everything on a clean slate at the beginning, then suffering in silence afterwards.

Don’t be afraid to ask for your space
Everybody needs their own space for rejuvenation, self-reflection and ‘me-time’. You do not need to spend all your free time being by your partner’s side. Continue to enjoy your own space by going out with friends, family, or be a couch potato and binge watch your series. Your routine should not change drastically just because you’re in a relationship.

Don’t stop hanging out with your friends
Your friends bring out the best in you. That’s also the time you get updated with current events while socialize with people beyond your close circle. Its healthy to continue hanging out with your friends because there’s nothing more refreshing than a good dose of laughter and fun! Partners and friends each have their own sets of fun. Why not enjoy both worlds, right?

Never be afraid to speak your mind
You should never keep in bottled up inside your heart or mind. Not only it can be damaging to your relationship, but it’s not good for your health. Always be clear, open up and speak your mind when you need to. Of course, choosing the right time is key for an open communication. That way, your partner will always know how you really feel about things. Shed light on what you feel about a certain situation, event, or thought. Talk about how you feel—you’ve got nothing to lose. There’s no point keeping your partner in the dark about things.

Don’t change your appearance
There’s no reason to change the way you look, simply because your partner likes it some other way. You have to love yourself first before you can share it with someone else. Dress up and put on makeup however you like. Your partner fell in love with you the way you are, so there’s absolutely no reason to alter that. In the end of the day, it’s about making yourself happy. There’s no point changing while being unhappy inside, only to impress somebody. Someone who’s truly meant for you, will like you just the way you are.