It’s every girl’s dream to have a perfectly sculpted tight buttocks that looks great in every attire. Many spend endless money to make their buttocks look aesthetically-pleasing while others slog for hours in the gym. Freeing up 3 minutes of your time in day will get you a long way.
YouTuber Traci Steele shares six exercises in her video and the exercise just takes 30 seconds! You do not have to go to the gym to perform these no-equipment exercises, as you can do it at the comfort of your home. All you’ll need is an exercise mat and a comfortable space in your home.
Although you might make you wonder doing these exercises for 3 minutes will not give any significant effect, you’re wrong. After those three minutes you feel as if your buttocks are on fire.
Are you curious about the exercises? Check them out in the video below.

Good luck!