1. Work on one habit at a time
When you work on one habit, you’re channeling all your willpower to learn and adapt to the new habit. When you’re focused into completing one task in hand, you’re increasing the odds of success. So now, you have to brainstorm what habit is it that you want to form, and learn everything you can to make it right.
2. Accessible trigger
If you want to perform a certain habit daily, you have to ensure there are triggers which aids progress. For instance, if your habit is to consume more water, you will need to carry a bottle everywhere you go or set timely reminders on your smart devices.
3. Easy to implement actions
When incorporate a habit in your daily routine, its best to take baby steps and have low level of commitment. Take a notch or two higher when you are ready to do so. For example, if your goal is to be more punctual, try to get ready 5 minutes earlier than you would usually.
4. A self-reward
Make the success of every habit an enjoyable one. Focus on building a reward system where you celebrate the accomplishment of a habit or goal. This way, the journey in adapting to the new habits are more fun and your determination to complete the task will be stronger. The reward can be a simple treat or a big reward, based on personal preference. You can either treat yourself to a cup of coffee at the end of the day at your favorite cafe or plan for a short getaway with your girls.