How much do you know about the bottled water that you off and on again purchase to drink? Scratch that. How much do you really know about the bottled water that you off and on again purchase to drink, that wasn’t “sold” to you by advertisers?
Whether it’s distilled or carbonated, in essence, bottled water is drinking water.
In conjunction with World Water Day on the 22nd of March, a non-profit organization led by Annie Leonard released “The Story of Bottled Water”. Over five minutes, the short film exposes its audience to how bottled water has, over the year, successfully attacked tap water with its use of advertising.
Watch how “The Story of Bottled Water” explores how cleverly advertisers have subconsciously planted the idea of “paying for premium water” in the minds of consumers:

That, is exactly how Americans and people around the world end up buying more than half a billion of bottles of water every week. What they don’t realize is, they’re paying for something that already flows from the tap (at almost zero cost!). And they’re contributing to waste and landfills.
Think about it; without the labels, what does a bottle of bottled water look like?
Time to wake up?
For more information visit their website.