Sam Smith is the latest Hollywood celebrity to come out as genderqueer. When asked if he feels like a cisgender man, Sam replied, “No, I don’t know what the title would be, but I feel just as much woman as I am man.”
The 25-year-old singer/songwriter also discusses his love of dressing in drag, revealing that he hits up the Australian drag shop House of Priscilla whenever he’s in Sydney. “Oh, my god, I just buy everything—heels, dresses,” he says. “We have a great time.”
“People don’t know this, but when I was 17, I remember becoming obsessed with Boy George and Marilyn,” Smith continues. “There was one moment in my life when I didn’t own a piece of male clothing, really.”
“I would wear full makeup every day at school—eyelashes, leggings with Dr Martens and huge fur coats, for two and a half years. I got teased a lot for it. But there were also people respecting me for walking around like that in my school.”
“I’d just finished primary school, going into secondary school, and I came out to my best friend when I was nine or 10,” Sam elaborated.
“I was very sure of, and in, myself. When I told my mum she said she always knew, she said she knew when I was three, and my dad just asked if I was absolutely sure.” He added, “And I was sure, even at that age, but they were incredibly supportive.”
When asked about why it took him so long to come out to the public, the singer said, “It was the fear of saying the wrong thing and offending.”
The Brit continued, “And I was 19 when I started writing the first album. I’d just moved to London from a village — I was literally the only gay in the village. I didn’t know what I wanted to say.”

The “Too Good at Goodbyes” musician is reportedly dating 13 Reasons Why actor Brandon Flynn.