You read that right, folks. After months of speculation, ABC and Warner Bros are officially developing a live-action sitcom version of The Jetsons.
ICYMI (or were born after the 90s), The Jetsons is a futuristic cartoon series that ran from 1962 to 1963 and then again from 1985 to 1987. The upcoming reboot will be set in 3018, kind of like how the original series was set 100 years in the future in 2062, and will be run by Gary Janetti, with Robert Zemeckis and Jack Rapke.

“Based on the classic cartoon, this multi-camera sitcom set 100 years in the future looks at America’s favorite future family through a modern filter,” reads the official statement. If the idea of this show doesn’t sound fun to you yet, consider the fact that Zemeckis wrote Back to the Future, and that Janetti’s credits include Will & Grace, Family Guy, and the Ian McKellen-starring multi-cam show Vicious.
No cast has been announced yet but we’re basically definitely watching this. Are you as excited as we are? Sound off in comments!