Dubbed as the final chapter in Fox’s prequel trilogy – for now, at least – there’s a profound sense of magnitude and importance resting on the furry shoulders of War For the Planet of the Apes as Caesar and his fellow simians face the toughest challenges yet.
Everyone’s angry at everyone else in the new trailer, which makes sense, as the excellent prequel trilogy has always been building up to one final battle for the fate of human and simian kind. By the looks of it, it’s going to be one hell of a fight.

This trailer is packed with new footage of glorious ape vs. human action, but actually still doesn’t tell us much about the wider story of
We get a few hints at the strange young girl Caesar and his retinue pick up on their journey, who is meant to be Nova from the classic first Apes movie, and we get a little more insight into the desperation of the surviving remnant of humanity. But it’s mainly about both sides being backed up against a wall, and each deciding a bloody, costly war as the only way they can survive.

In the past, director Reeves has stated that War for the Planet of the Apes is heavily influenced by Bibical epics like Ben-Hur. He also mentioned that he views Caesar’s personal journey, and the film as a whole, through a religious lens.
“I really felt like this movie had to have a Biblical aspect to it,” Reeves said. “The movie is totally about [Caesar’s] mythic ascension. The battle for his soul that cements his position as the key figure in early ape history. You can imagine the story of him would inspire religions.”

Co-starring Steve Zahn, Terry Notary, Karin Konoval and Amiah Miller, the film will explore the Colonel’s side of things almost as much as as Caesar’s, and we should be braced for plenty of drama and loss.
War for the Planet of the Apes is set for release on July 14.
[Source 1, 2]