Remember The Sims before all the upgrades we all loved? Well, Electronic Arts has announced that the classic The Sims Mobile game is coming soon on Android and iOS devices, according to this website.
Yeap, we’re talking a mobile game that stays true to the original PC game that was released 17 years ago, and none of that The Sims Freeplay nonsense. The game has apparently launched in Brazil.

The Sims Mobile will reportedly follow more closely the PC and console versions of the life simulator game, where players will have to create a Sim, choose an appearance, select life goals and hobbies, and create a family.
“Shape your Sims’ families over multiple generations,” the company mentions. “When your Sims accomplish their career goals and retire, you’ll be rewarded with Heirlooms that unlock hobbies and careers for future generations, allowing new Sims to tell deeper stories.”

Let’s not even get started on being able to personalise your Sims’ home, and having social elements whereby users can befriend real-life friends in the game.
We honestly can’t wait to relive those days!