Yesterday we introduced to you China’s latest act of piracy: branded paper bags. Today, say hello to artificial replicas of pregnant women’s abdomens which are “flesh colored”, have “human skin texture”, and are “highly comfortable” as promoted by online shop owners.
You can choose from three types of fake bellies, each of which approximates a different period of pregnancy, corresponding to the second and latter trimesters and the final month. You know, if you’re gonna pretend, you gotta keep the act up from start to finish hence the various sizes.
These belly replicas are popular among those who want to experience the life of a pregnant woman, for acting performances or as a joke and we foresee many men being at the end of this funny yet cruel joke in future. But they certainly don’t come cheap as each are priced between 500 to 1600 yuan (RM250 to RM800) but it’s the more expensive ones that are bestsellers according to various online shop owners.