Love has surely evolved over the years. Dating back then was never easy, but in this time and age, technology has made the whole process way simpler, convenient and some may concur, less momentous. Gone were the days when people were excessively earnest about first dates, especially now when they can simply swipe right on Tinder and cyber stalk instead of asking real questions to get to know one another.
Before computers, social media and mobile phones, the rules were different; a good sort of different, and there are some things we should consider revisiting, knowing it’d be refreshing (how ironic) and gratifying to both you and your SO. Bear with us as we discuss certain habits that could very well be sacred between the two of you. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

1. Talking on the phone – Texting is ubiquitous, low-key and doesn’t involve the pressure of having face-to-face conversations, but in no way is it going to replace the real, hours-long phone calls that make awkward silences become a thing of the past between the both of you. It’s way more personal, and asking anyone out via the phone would make the date feel extra worthwhile.
2. Be spontaneous – Sometimes the best things in life are never planned, and when a relationship has been ongoing for months or years, it can take a lot of work to keep that special spark alive and rekindle that initial feeling you’ve had. Break routines and try new things together as spontaneity can help make the relationship feel fresh and new again. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zones.

3. Write to one another – Be it postcards, love letters, or even little notes you slip into homemade lunches, this could be one of the most rewarding little gestures your partner will really appreciate. Writing your feelings on a piece of paper is nerve-wracking, but there’s something very romantic about it, and nope, you will never get the same feelings by looking at text messages on your phone.
4. Dedicate a song on the radio – We know what you’re thinking, not many people listen to the radio anymore and ugh, it’s plain tacky. But consider dedicating a song on the radio to your special someone a public declaration of love that will leave him or her grinning from ear to ear. The fact that no one does it any more makes the deed even more substantial and sentimental.

5. Loiter around in the mall – Going to the mall can be draining and we mostly go nowadays with specific shopping lists in mind, but why not switch things around and enjoy each other’s presence like two teenagers wooing? Sit on benches to simply talk, exchange little pecks on the escalators, share fries at McDonald’s, and hold hands lovingly without a care in the world. Imagine how nice that’d be.
6. Scrapbook the relationship – Do you remember the last time you printed out photos or got some developed at the shop, old school style? Everything is digitised around us and not many people comprehend the value of physical photos you can hold in your hands. Better yet, put those pics of the two of you in a scrapbook and jot down little milestones in your relationship. It’ll be your little book of love.

7. Get lost together – Couples nowadays have stupid spats and clashes over directions and wrong turns, even more so with the assistance of a GPS. An impromptu trip with one another with no specific destination in mind can do you wonders. Think Lifehouse playing in the background, windows down, and random detours off the highway. Keep an open mind and you’ll never know what you’ll discover. It’ll be ultra memorable.
8. Make mixtapes – Most gadgets and vehicles don’t even come with CD drives anymore, but you have to admit that nothing is sweeter than a homemade mixtape with a selection of songs that remind you of your relationship. Mmhmm, it’s melt-you-into-a-puddle cute. Doing it on Spotify would no doubt be the easiest way to do this right now, but burning it on a CD and drawing a cover would earn you more brownie points.

9. Go offline – They say the best moments in life don’t make it to social media and being unplugged does come with its benefits, especially with your SO, as you can both then focus on the moment and on each other, without the overloaded distractions of your smartphones buzzing away. You’d then begin to notice and appreciate the little details, aside from being more present.