We’ve all got a couple (or more) of bad habits lurking in our lives that we clearly know we shouldn’t do, or continue doing. Bad habits aren’t always the easiest to kick, especially when they’ve been inculcated in our lives for years. But it isn’t impossible either. All you need is bag full of determination, and a strong urge to immediately start living a happier and healthier life!
Don’t roll your eyes just yet. Read on and check out how you can kick some of these habits:
1. Watching TV for hours
After a long day, there’s nothing you’d wanna do more than slump yourself on the couch and watch TV for hours. But, if television is replacing time you would spend on an old hobby, meeting up with friends or exercising your mind, it can also speed up memory loss. Also, you’d be prone to snacking on junk which leads to diabetes. And lots of spare tyres. Follow the 2/30 rule – a maximum of 2 hours of TV a day and at least 30 minutes of exercise. Channel surfing is a big no no as well. Try to watch TV only when you have something specific you’d want to catch.
2. Spending money you don’t have
Why must you stress yourself with spending so much every month when you can’t pay off your credit cards? Money worries can have severe health consequences such as high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, digestion troubles and even substance abuse. Learn to live within your budget, manage your finances well and you’ll be happier (eventually). Trust me, that Limited Edition lipstick will make an even better comeback when your finances are in order.
3. Biting your nails
Probably doesn’t seem all that bad when Kate Middleton is doing it but c’mon, it’s gross. After touching all kinds of surfaces with questionable hygiene, you can’t be all that excited to start nail munching. Also, it can lead to serious health and dental issues. Learn more about what makes your nail biting habit trigger and replace the habit for something more beneficial like drinking water or if all else fails, chew on gum.
4. Feeling stressed, worried or anxious all the time
If living a mentally healthy life is your goal, you need to learn how to control your emotions. An unhappy lifestyle is prone to release a cascade of stress hormones that leads to health and mental health consequences. Of course, controlling your emotions isn’t always easy on your own. Never be afraid to seek professional help if you need it. Letting your emotions fester is the worst possible thing you can do.
5. Staying in toxic relationships
It doesn’t matter if you’re staying friends or keeping up a relationship with someone due to old time’s sake, there comes a time where you need to think about your needs and put them first. If you’re hanging out with someone who’s not empowering you, puts you down for the littlest things and never bothers about your well-being, it maybe time to rethink that relationship. Though it may not seem like it at the time, there are people out there who would be more than happy to cherish you for you are. That and a mutual respect for each other is all you need to have a great relationship together.
6. Complaining about what’s lacking in your life
Life isn’t perfect and it’s okay if you don’t have everything you want right now. If you focus on what you don’t have, your whole life will feel and become negative. Change that perspective and think of all the good in your life. It may not feel like it but trust me when I say that many are struggling to even live a life like yours.
7. Looking for other people’s approval
The cardinal rule to a good life is to think a lot less of what people think of you. Because, let’s face it, no matter how hard you try, you can’t please everyone. So live your life to the fullest, accept yourself for who you are, but never let that stop you from improving or learning.
8. Being a huge prick to the people who love you
If you want someone you love to stay in your life, always treat them with the respect and kindness they deserve. Even if they’re close family members, always remember to let them know that you appreciate them. There’s nothing worse than losing someone who loves you just because you were being an a-hole. Even if you’re just joking around, be courteous. Nobody gains anything from hurtful jokes. Life isn’t a Comedy Club.