Anyone with a uterus will guarantee you that hormonal contraception can have some serious side effects. This includes nausea, headaches, weight gain, decreased sexual desires, depression and, of course, mood swings. It should also be mentioned that the adverse side effects that come along with taking the Pill and other forms of hormonal birth control can induce an increased risk of breast cancer, blood clots and even strokes.
Still, millions of sexually active women consciously choose to take hormonal birth control because it’s an incredibly effective way of preventing pregnancy. Which is why when we heard of male hormonal birth control in the works, we got a little excited to burn boxes of birth control pills in a bonfire. But then again, there’s news that male hormonal birth control might not ever happen.
It turns out that the study for male hormonal birth control was cut short because the men in the study complained too much about side effects including breakouts, cramps or ‘panic’ at first injections, palpitations and erectile dysfunction. Despite the fact that “researchers said nearly 39 percent of the symptoms reported were unrelated to the shots,” the study was still halted, and society is still left without a viable form of hormonal male birth control (minus condoms).
All because some of the men in the study (approximately 6 percent of them) experienced what millions of women worldwide get when they take hormonal birth control. Despite the complains and dropouts of test subjects, the research still believes that the study is a win as it is POSSIBLE to have a hormonal contraception for men. All they’d need is a group of men who are willing to woman up enough to take the pain in the next study 🙂