In the era of economic downturn and rising cost of living, it’s impossibly difficult for us to purchase anything substantial, like property for instance.
As the world knows, people from China are somewhat peculiar, but they are also super smart. In a move so brilliant, so masterful, and so perfect, a Chinese woman reportedly convinced her boyfriends (there are 20 of ’em!) to buy her the new iPhone 7. Yeap, each and every one of them bought her the friggin’ smartphone with no earphone jack!
What’s a person going to do with so many iPhones? Sell-lah. The lady then resold all of her brand new iPhone 7 smartphones for money to a mobile phone recycling site called Hui Shou Bao for 115,010 Yuan (RM 71,196.31). She then used the moolah to purchase a house.
This is next level, guys.
Xiaoli (not her real name) who hails from southern Shenzhen, is not from a wealthy family. Her mother is a housewife and her father is a migrant worker. It was reported that she is the eldest daughter, which is why she was pressured into purchase a house for the family A.S.A.P..
The internet has mixed feelings towards her achievement though. Some labelled her as “the most shameless person” whereas others celebrated her victory. First of all, it’s difficult enough to find a dependable boyfriend, and if you already have one, coercing him into buying you a new phone is a different story.