December can be a stressful month for most parents regardless if they’re working or are full-time parents. Children are restless creatures who constantly need to be What have you got planned for your kids this school holidays? Don’t just leave them at home or arrange tuition class after tuition class to “prepare” them for the year to come.
Remember your own school holidays? Take time off your busy schedule to take your kids out for some good ol’ family bonding because life isn’t all about getting good grades, you should know this best.
1. Shopping
Tis the season for sales so take your kids out to the mall and splurge on them as a reward for a year’s worth of hard work. Let them pick out a new toy, book or outfit and then treat them to some ice cream to top it all off! Put your foot down if they get too demanding because they need to know that money doesn’t grow on trees.
2. Workshops and classes
Steer clear of tuition centres or those UPSR/PMR seminars! We all look forward to fun and play during the year end so why spoil it all by signing up your kids for non-stop classes? Enrol them in fun yet educational workshops such as camp, dancing or art. Help them pick out a new skill, boost their self confidence and give them something to brag about when they head back to school.
3. Holiday trips
Book a holiday for the whole family early in the year to save costs and involve the kids in the planning and packing process. Make sure to keep the phones and tablets away so that everyone focuses on spending time together. If you can’t afford to bring the whole family for a holiday that year, make a trip back to see grandpa and grandma! It’ll be equally as fun and you’ll get to catch up with the rest of the family. It’s important to have your kids bond with their grandparents and cousins as much as possible when they’re young as this bond will remian throughout their lives.
4. Room makeover
Kids grow up very quickly so go through their old stuff with them and get them to throw or donate clothes and toys they don’t use anymore. Redecorate the room to mark a new year or stage in life for them as their preferences will change over the years.
5. Visit museums
If you’re having trouble teaching your kids about our country’s history, bring them to the National Museum, art galleries and the planeterium, it’ll be a great refresher course for yourself as well. Go on and instill some patriotism in your little ones!
6. Have a party
Everyone likes a party and really, you don’t need a reason to sometimes. Get your kid to call over some of his or her best friends, prepare some food, some games, the latest kid’s flick and you’re set! Make sure to have plenty of paper towels as kids are pretty clumsy and things can get messy.
It can get tiring to find ways to entertain your kids throughout over 50 days of holidays but as a parent this is something you have to take an active role in. You don’t want your kid to grow up with bad memories of their childhood do you? Be the parent everyone wants!