Workplace bullying is often disregarded, despite the conspicuous link between the mistreatment and resulting social as well as mental health problems. It indicates repeated and persistent destructive acts to torment, bring down, or frustrate one person, and often provokes, frightens, intimidates, pressures or discomforts the victim.
It is not to be taken lightly, and if you’ve experienced workplace bullying in any shape or form, we suggest you take control of the predicament by crafting a careful plan and discussing it with your employer before planning further action; even legal options whereby necessary.
Here are 15 indicators that may help determine whether you are being bullied:

1. You feel anxious and almost fearful thinking about going to work knowing that your tormentor will be there
2. Every notification from a message or email from your tormentor makes you feel extremely nervous
3. You begin to gradually believe that you provoked the workplace cruelty
4. Everything your tormentor does is arbitrary and erratic, undermining personal agenda instead of the benefit of the company or business interests
5. You are constantly agitated as if waiting for bad things to happen

6. The hurtful remarks, attacks and criticism from your tormentor never stops, despite your excellence in competence
7. Your tormentor has screamed at, yelled at, insulted or humiliated you in front of others in the workplace
8. You find out he or she spreads gossips and lies about you or your performance
9. You’re being singled out or isolated from your tormentor, either physically or socially
10. Your tormentor constantly brings up your mistakes and refers to them for no constructive reason or falsely accuses you of errors

11. Your family and friends know too well of your misery
12. Your time off from work becomes mental health breaks
13. Have you experienced sabotage? He or she may find ways to make sure you fail at your job, or not performing tasks that are crucial to your success
14. Others have been told to stop working, socialising or talking to you
15. No matter what you do, you are never left alone to do your job without interference