So, this latest ‘trend’ in China has got girls uploading pictures of them putting on lipstick with their arm twisted behind their heads just to prove that they’ve small faces. Before I go any further, I just have one question to ask… what the flippin’ fish?!
Let’s get this straight – being able to put lipstick on with your arms all twisted has nothing to do with how thin/slim your face is. It could just simply mean you’re double-jointed. Or you’re about to star in a horror movie.

First it was the Coin Collarbone Challenge, A4 Paper Challenge, then came the Wrapping Banknotes On Your Wrist Challenge, and now this. Oh the things that these girls come up with! Sometimes I’m not even sure if they’re just plain trolling!
“I must prove my face is small,” said user yomy_L with a photo showing her successfully completing the challenge on Weibo. “I failed the A4 waist, I failed the iPhone legs, I couldn’t fail another challenge,” said another user.
Bizarre to most of us but to them it’s the ultimate Chinese beauty ideal to be slim and petite. No room for curves.
Sigh.. Body-image standards are getting crazier and harmful day by day.
