Do you have ink on your body you’re unsatisfied with because the piece didn’t turn out exactly how you wanted?
Well, before you get inked in the future, make sure to get the app InkHunter as it’ll give you a sneak peek into how the tattoo will really look like on your body.
On the app, there is a variety of tattoo designs you can pick. They can range from abstract, to wordings and graphics.
To use it: All you have to do is draw a square smiley face on the desired place you’d like to get tattooed. The smiley face acts like a marker. Then, just choose your tattoo design or upload a personal sketch. Hover your phone over your square smiley face and voila!
You can then save the photo, and show it to your tattoo artist for reference. 😉
Here’s a short demo:

We tried the app out, and it really works.
InkHunter is available on Apple’s App Store. As for Android and Windows users, the app will soon be developed for download.