No matter how busy we are life can sometimes get the best of us and we forget to pay attention to what’s important. When you’ve been with your partner for more than just a while, it’s really necessary to keep things romantic in anyway possible. We’re not talking grand gestures like standing outside his office with a boombox, but the little things that will take your relationship even further than where it is now.
Below are some of the good kind of habits to have in a relationship:
Have sex – Most couples think that it’s an absolute must to have sex everyday or every other day to keep the relationship alive. Well, that’s completely untrue because quantity means less than what quality does. When you’ve been with someone for a long time, it’s natural for things to slow down a little but that doesn’t mean the love is any less strong. Studies have shown that the happiest of couples get freaky in the sheets a mere three times a week or less. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spice it up every now and then.
Remember the positive – Sometimes we get annoyed from sitting in traffic too long or the stress that work is giving us and that’s completely normal. But what is not normal is to take it out on your partner. Try not to focus so much on his negative qualities but remind yourself of all the positive things about him that made you fall in love in the first place.

Appreciate him – Maybe you don’t tell him often enough and even though you know that he does a lot for you, it’s sometimes easy to forget to tell him just how much he’s appreciated. Stop and remind him that all the things he does for you does not go unnoticed and show the appreciation in any or every way you can. A simple “thank you for cooking me dinner” will be so beneficial.
Spend time – When it comes to spending time each other, it’s important to recognise that starting at the TV does not count. Yes, we all love to veg out with our partner but you will probably connect more at the dinner table while eating your food and talking about your day as opposed to watching the latest series of House of Cards in bed.
Respect him – It’s really important to respect the person that you’re in a relationship with and besides trust, respect is definitely the next most important factor when in a relationship with someone. Respect comes in many forms, for example, when you argue with your partner, it’s important to get your point across but it’s also very important not to call each other names. Nothing good comes out of this and it will only hurt him. Another thing you must never ever do is speak negatively about him to your friends or family, or talk down to him in front of company.

Communicate with each other – Because we’re all so busy with our daily lives, sometimes we forget to really sit down and talk to our partners. Take each other out for dinner and talk about things. Funny things, serious things, just anything. Sit down and communicate with each other.
Do things together – A couple that does things together stays together. We don’t mean sitting at home and watching tv, that doesn’t count. We’re talking about picking up a sport to get into together or enrolling yourselves in a cool class to learn something new together. Seriously, these activities that you enjoy together will only bring you closer to one another.