You’ve been with your beau forever and you guys finally get hitched. When you look at your news feed it seems as though everyone you know is having a baby or has had a baby, so you start wondering if it’s time for you to do the same? Well, if you’re thinking of trying to get pregnant, you should know that there are many things to consider.
Here are some of the things to do to get you prepared:
Have THE talk – Sit down with your partner and lay out all the emotions and thoughts you two have on the subject. It’s really important for couples to be able to about things, especially important subjects like whether you two are ready to be parents. Are you both ready for this? Is this something you both really want to do or you’re just doing it because society deems “it’s time.”

Discuss parenting style – If you and your partner have decided that you’re definitely ready to have a baby then move on to the parenting talk. Like will you be sending your baby to childcare, will you get a nanny, will one of you quit your job and stay at home to be with the kid and so on. These things are so important to point out before the child actually arrives into this world.
Stop taking birth control – Get off the pill a few months before you start trying. The purpose of this is to find out what natural cycle is: 27 or 32 days and from there you can figure out when you’re ovulating, and when you’re most fertile. Trust us when we say that these things matter when you’re trying to conceive.

Trim the fat off – It’s easy for pregnant ladies to put on weight so if there’s a good time to lose weight, it would be before conceive. Keeping your body in healthy shape will minimize complications and help you have a healthier pregnancy, which is an experience you should enjoy because you’re growing another human being inside of you!
Slow down – When we say slow down, we mean cutting back on the late nights and partying. This includes drinking and smoking. If you’re a moderate drinker, you probably won’t have to change much but if you’re used to partying and getting drinking, you might want a change of lifestyle. Especially if you are trying to get pregnant because alcohol and cigarette interfere with your fertility.