The new year is always a good excuse to start eating right and treating your body like the temple that it is. One of the best ways of doing so is detoxing and what better way to do than with the “Fat Flush Water.” You may have heard about this fad but how does it work exactly? Well, to stay hydrated and rid itself of unwanted materials, your body needs water. While it’s hard to get rid of fat, with proper nutrition and exercise, you’ll be able to do it.
Water helps remove waste products from your body because it’s a vehicle that carries the waste to your bladder, which ultimately leads to expelling it through your urine. So, that’s why it’s really important to drink enough water throughout the day. Not only to stay hydrated but also to help your body expel the waste through fat cells.
Here’s the Fat Flush Water recipe:
Purified water – 2 litres / 64 fl. oz.
1 Tangerine – Sectioned
1 Cucumber – Sliced
1/2 Grapefruit – Sliced
4 Spearmint or Peppermint leaves
Ice (made from purified water) is optional
Prepare and mix all the ingredients above in a pitcher before you go to sleep and drink the mixture throughout the next day. If it’s possible, it’s always better to use organice produce but if not easily available then be sure to wash all produce before adding them into the water.