Most women would say that handbags are more worth the investment when compared to clothes and shoes. After all, a handbag is the most practical accessory any woman can own as it stores our day-to-day belongings and valuables; but best of all, a handbag can polish up your look no matter the occasion.
There are myriads of handbags in all shapes, sizes, structures and colours, but really, a handful of essential styles is all you need to have on hand. To help you keep your handbag collection minimal yet highly functional and chic, here are five handbag styles every woman should own.

1. The subtle statement bag – If a bejewelled bag with an idiosyncratic quote is too loud for you, go for a vibrant colour or a simple print – this bag combines both – to add oomph to your ensemble. This way, you’ll still turn heads without looking OTT. Assuming that the majority of your wardrobe consists of monochromatic or all-black clothing, this bag would also be a great way to inject a little colour into your style.

2. The crossbody – Imagine this; you’re in the store and you see a dress you like. You pick it up to check if it’d look good on you, and while at it, you’re fumbling around with the hanger… and your handbag. When you’re scouring the racks, the last thing you’d want is to be holding on to your handbag by its short straps. This is why a crossbody bag is a must-have for weekend visits to the mall and casual long walks with your SO. Sometimes, it feels so good to have your hands free.

3. The structured tote – Look professional by day and fierce by night with this classic, structured tote bag that comes with extra long straps. Depending on its size, a structured tote can fit everything – from your makeup bag, sunglasses, tablet, files or even a laptop. Invest in a carry-all tote like this that comes in a neutral colour so you won’t have to worry about clashing colours on your outfit and handbag.

4. The casual clutch – For Sunday brunches with some girlfriends or mingling at fancier events in the evening, a casual clutch would do the job as you really wouldn’t want to be lugging around all that extra weight from a bigger purse when you’re letting loose. Go for a clutch that can dress your look up, or down, and that can be comfortable to carry while you’re on the go. A smaller bag means carrying only your quintessential things, which is always a plus!

5. The shoulder bag – This handbag style is very versatile and aside from work and play, it’s also a fantastic choice for travelling as it can literally hold all your travel essentials, including a jacket or scarf in case you get cold. With its sleek and sophisticated yet sporty appeal, this bag looks terrific for any casual events or corporate meetings and its handles allow for enhanced mobility, whether or not you desire that option.
*All the handbags mentioned above are available via Crocodile‘s retail counters and stores throughout Malaysia.