Breakups are the worst. They make you feel like absolute crap and at some point during your healing process, you almost think that nothing could possibly hurt more than the heartache of a breakup. Yes, it hurts but you will survive, you will make it through this awful ordeal and eventually move on.
Instead of giving up hope and stuffing your face with ice-cream, here are some things you can do to get over your breakup like a total boss:
Do not get drunk and call him – Seriously, why hasn’t anybody come up with an app to stop you from calling your ex when intoxicated? Delete his number because who remembers anybody’s number off by heart nowadays anyway? Deleting his number will save you from the embarrassment from a possible drunk-dialing disaster.
Say no to being friends – Unless the two of you ended the relationship with no feelings at all for each other then becoming friends right after might be impossible and highly discouraged. Otherwise, you should really say no if he suggests such a thing. You don’t have to pretend to be chill by saying yes to becoming friends. Get over the relationship before even thinking about being buddies.

Have nothing to do with each other on social media – Take this one seriously. When we say nothing, we really mean nothing at all. Block his a** because if you don’t, this will be the death of you. No matter how well things ended, neither one of you needs to see how the other is doing, whether good or bad. Save that for the future or better yet, never.
Surround yourself with positive friends – Notice how we used the word positive. During a hard time like a breakup, it’s important to surround yourself with people that radiate positive energy so your healing process doesn’t have to be as harsh. When you have a good bunch of supportive friends, you should always be around them because they will help you get through hard times like breakups. They will lift your spirits and make you feel better. Don’t hang around those who make you feel even worse about what happened.
Stop thinking it was you – Sometimes things work out but a lot of the times they don’t and it can be hurtful as well as frustrating. Whatever it is, you really shouldn’t think that you were the sole reason the relationship ended. The problem was not just you because it takes two to breakup. When you accept that and make peace with it, then only can you really start healing.