Instead of making resolutions that are probably doomed to fail, get a proper hold of your life by having control of it in an orderly manner. When life is hectic and everything is in the way, it can get very messy and it’s going to be difficult for you to be consistent and avoid last-minute hassles. For that reason, turn over a new leaf this 2016 and try to have an organised life at your fingertips. Here are six simple tips you can follow:

1. Keep your space tidy – A neat space promotes a healthy and clear mind, so it’s important to simplify and declutter if you have to. Having said that, it doesn’t have to be a huge chore! Set 10 minutes of everyday to clean or tidy up something. It could be the floor, the desk, the dishes, or anything. If you’ve hoarded lots of unused things, give them away or donate them to a charity. You’ll find that it’s easier for you to be focused and motivated.

2. Commit to a planner – A planner is worth nothing if it’s just collecting dust. There are many cute ones out there, but take the time to choose one that works best for you. A planner shouldn’t just be a place where you jot down your tasks and appointments. It should be a happy place that stores your dreams, goals, aspirations and so much more. We prefer to carry a planner around, but if it’s a hassle for you, try downloading a calendar management app on your smartphone.

3. Make to-do lists – Sometimes, making mental notes just doesn’t cut it and chances are, you’ll forget. In your planner or a notebook, make it a point to make lists at the start of each week and draw little check boxes for each item so that you can tick it off once you’ve completed the task. It could be lists for your ideas, chores to complete, groceries to buy, reports to finish, or random thoughts that could be useful for the future. It gives you a direction, and helps you follow through.

4. Review your priorities – The things you want to spend energy and effort on should benefit your life in some way. For instance, if you want to focus on being happy, change things up and be a bit selfish. Don’t settle for anything less and do this for only yourself. If it stops working, shuffle things around again and wait for the end result. It could be about anything: from getting your head in the game at work, focusing on your fitness regime, or spending more time with family.

5. Have a routine – We don’t mean doing the same things Monday through Friday every week. For us, we’ve set certain days to do certain tasks like getting groceries, doing the laundry, going to the gym, having WIP (work in progress) meetings. It’s nice to know that you’ve got designated days for certain errand-type things to be done, and this way, it’s easier for you to get them out of the way and pay attention to other things.

6. Reward yourself – If you manage to complete daunting tasks that are somehow boring or unpleasant, reward yourself to something nice and enjoyable. It could be some TV time, a nice lunch at a cafe, a new book, or anything at all that makes you happy. This way, you’ll have something to look forward to once you’ve conquered a dreadful task and it’ll keep you motivated for sure. This also helps when you’ve got zero willpower and you need a kick up the bum.