Some men are challenged when it comes to expressing their feelings vocally and they rarely say “I love you”. However, actions always speak louder than words and love can be demonstrated in many different ways that are just as reassuring as articulating emotions. You just have to know what to look out for and be grateful! Here are 15 sweet and meaningful ways he shows his love for you:

1. He tries to make your favourite foods, and gives you the ‘better’ looking portion
2. He doesn’t skimp on nice, long fuzzy hugs
3. He constantly wears that T-shirt you like on him just because you pointed it out once

4. He often surprises you with random things you like.
5. He stays up till the wee hours of the morning just to accompany you while you slave off on the laptop
6. He watches chick flicks and does a Pretty Little Liars marathon with you, without complaint

7. He always looks at you as if it’s the first time you’ve met
8. He lifts the toilet seat up after he’s done
9. He listens carefully as you vent on and on about your bad day

10. He automatically gives you the better seat everywhere you two go, whether at the cinemas or the restaurant
11. He puts in the effort to carefully plan a holiday the both of you can enjoy
12. He gives you little back massages after you’ve had a long day

13. He cuddles you for hours on end when you’re feeling down
14. He’s (literally) just a call away whenever you need an urgent favour
15. He accompanies you while shopping, or when you’re doing boring errands