So, you’re dating this new guy and everything is wonderful. You almost feel as if he can do wrong and it can’t possibly get any better than this. Except that you couldn’t be more mistaken. He may seem perfect and you might be in a bubble of love but there is something that doesn’t ring true. Things he does? Thing he says?
Well, we’re sorry to burst your bubble but here are some sure signs that you’re dating someone who is shady as f**ck:
1. He does weird things
Ladies, by weird, I don’t mean he likes sucking on your big toe while you guys are getting down and dirty. When I say weird, we’re talking going out to places and not telling you where he’s been. We’re not saying that one should report but if he’s making you feel bad about asking then he is probably hiding something.
2. Lying
So, he tells you that he’s going on a guys trip to Thailand. You only find out when he lands that it’s actually not Thailand and in fact a whole other country. That’s already a red flag. But for him to think that it’s a joke and you’d find it funny, he’s more a whacko than Jacko himself. Seriously, who does this?!

3. He uses the word ‘clingy’
Even if you are actually clingy, no self-respecting man who is really into you would call you that. I hate that word and I’m pretty sure majority of the female population feels the same way. Calling you clingy is the beginning of a ride where he calls you many other things.
4. He turns the table around
The only time it’s okay to be turning tables when you’re listening to an Adele song. If you ask him something and he gets defensive as well as make it seem as though you’re being dramatic, you know you have a master manipulator at hand. You should be able to ask your partner things without him making you feel like crap about it.
5. He makes up all the rules
A good relationship is built on trust, respect and most important of all, compromise. But if he has you coming over whenever it suits him and telling you that there is no need to spend time together so much at other times, then screw it. He’s shady. He tells you that he needs space but when he is bored, the first person he calls is you. It’s time to get rid of this guy!