Going through a breakup is one of the emotionally worst things that can happen. Sometimes they’re really brutal and at other times it’s easy to get over but one thing for sure, breakups can be life-changing. What’s even worst is that you have to go through it alone. Sure, you may have the support of family and close friends but you do have to through the pain alone.
With each passing day you’ll find that you think of your ex less and less, which eventually leads to a time where you don’t even think of them at all. So, when do you know that you’re finally over the heartache? Here are 10 things that indicates you’re definitely over it and him:
1. You’re no longer waiting for that text. You know, the text where he says sorry and he has made a mistake in calling it quits. The text that says he wants you back and can’t go on living another day without you. The text that you wish you’d receive back then in the beginning of the breakup but not now. What text?
2. You can now spend money on yourself and yourself only. Forget about birthday presents, anniversary presents, Christmas presents and all the rest of it because without your ex, you can now finally get that cute YSL bag you’ve been eye-ing on.
3. You look at a car that’s the same make and colour as your ex’s and it’s just another car to you. Weird things like this one no longer affects or bothers you. You’ve definitely moved on!

4. You no longer fantasize about getting back together with your ex and picking things up from where you guys left off. You’re more than okay with the fact the idea that you two will never get back together.
5. Once, it was so painful coming home to an empty apartment when you were so used to being greeted by him after a long day at work. Now, you’re completely content to coming back to a place where there are no socks lying around and no video game noises disrupting your sleep.
6. You’re happy being alone and finally able to accept the fact that a relationship with yourself is far more important than a relationship with a guy who makes you unhappy.
7. You no longer want to call him when something exciting, weird or bad happens. In fact you no longer feel the need to call him or anybody for that matter. You’re able to just relish these things with yourself.

8. You can listen to breakup songs or loves songs with ease. In fact, you’re happily singing along to them now and you can’t get enough of songs about miss independent because that’s what you are!
9. You realize that while you may have loved your ex and probably will always love him, you can’t simply stay in a relationship just because of love. Sometimes love just isn’t enough and there are other factors needed for a happy and successful relationship.
10. You believe in love again. You’re done healing and you are more than comfortable with being yourself. Nothing says you’re over your ex and over the breakup more than being hopeful to fall in love again.