A lint roller is a useful tool that’s heaven-sent, especially for those of us who have furry pets at home. It keeps our clothes and furniture dust-free and fuzz-free, while getting rid of hairballs that could land you in very embarrassing situations at the workplace (been there, done that!). A lint roller also generally makes life much, much easier because you could do these things with it:
1. Get rid of hair – This #firstworldproblem is way too common. After you’ve washed, blow dried, or combed through your mane, wads of hair just gets err’where. Ain’t nobody got time to plug in a giant vacuum, so use a lint roller instead!
2. Clean up broken glass – Merely sweeping up broken glass isn’t thorough enough. Roll your lint roller over the floor to ensure you get rid of any tiny shard that could potentially injure somebody or your pets.

3. Gather thread or beads – The lint roller swiftly cleans up all the random threads that cling to fabrics. Whenever you accidentally drop a box of pins or beads, save yourself the hassle of picking them up by hand with a lint roller.
4. Pick up glitter – If you love crafts, you know how horrendous glitter can be. It adheres to literally EVERYTHING, but with a lint roller on hand, cleaning up glitter, or confetti for that matter, would be a breeze.
5. Clean the car – The inside of your car really takes a beating after a period of time. Dust and dirt gathers up in all the little hard to reach crevices, especially on the seats and centre console. Nothing your lint roller won’t fix!

6. Prep a wall – Before you proceed with a paint job, use your lint roller to get rid of dust and dirt that can sabotage your hopes for a smooth, even finish. You can also use the lint roller on the paint roller to get rid of loose fibres.
7. Dust a handbag – A woman’s handbag is a treasure chest filled with knick knacks … and gross debris. Every time you clear out your handbag, there’s bound to be oddities like nacho chip morsels or other crusties. The lint roller will really help.
8. Bug buster – Want to get rid of creepy crawlies with maximum satisfaction? Roll over those suckers and dispose of them by ripping out the first layer of paper on the lint roller.

9. Clean the ceiling – If your ceiling has textures or an intricate design that traps dust and dirt, the lint roller will clean that mess right up for you. Be careful with the ladder though!
10. Dusting curtains – Not all of us have time to take down the curtains, send them to the dry cleaners and put them back on constantly. The lint roller can be used on the fabric to get rid of dust in the mean time.