There is a lot of people that we can pretend to be in this world but ultimately the best person to be is ourselves and especially so with someone that we love. It’s sometimes easy to forget that when in a relationship because we think we should be who our partners would like us to be rather than continue to be ourselves.
If you’re in a relationship that’s good and want to make it better, try doing some of these things:
Know yourself – When you know who you are, it will be easier for you to say yes or no to certain things requested of you. Believe it or not, it’s easier for someone to love you when you’re not so insecure and when you love yourself.
Don’t fake it – Everyone has got bad days and that’s completely okay. Don’t fake it because people can see right through it. Especially your partner.

Stand your ground – This also means you should be true to yourself. Never compromise your beliefs and what you stand for according to other people. We’re not saying you should be stubborn but rather stay true to yourself. It’s easier for people to take you seriously.
Let go – You cannot control what others think, so you might as well just be the best version of yourself and just let go. Your self worth does not depend on anybody but you and there is really no one out there you want to impress but yourself.
Question everything – When going into something new, you should asses whether this is going to be beneficial to you and your life or will you end up having to sacrifice so many things that you have worked so hard for just to make someone else happy.