During a segment for the daytime talk show FABlife, Tyra Banks and Chrissy Teigen brought up an issue that is raised to women all the time: starting a family. And that’s when the two successful women opened up about the troubles they have had trying to conceive.

Teigen said, “Every single time I sit down for an interview with anybody…I will say, just being two years into being married, the questions just come from all over.”
“It’s kind of crazy because I can’t imagine being that nosy to be like, ‘So, when are the kids coming?’ because who knows what somebody’s going through.” She also revealed that she and her hubby, John Legend, have had issues trying to get pregnant and have visited the fertility doctors.

Banks admitted to fertility struggles of her own as she got very emotional. “It’s so funny when I was 23 years old, I used to tell myself, ‘In three years, I’m going to have kids.’ Then I turned 24. ‘In three years, I’m going to have kids,'” Banks, 41, said.
“Every single year I kept saying that. And then after a while it’s like, ‘Okay, now I want to.’ And it’s not so easy.” The former supermodel also revealed that she have had “traumatic” attempts with IVF procedures in hopes of getting pregnant.

Recently, Malaysian sweetheart Lisa Surihani also revealed that she and her husband, Yusry Abdul Halim, have been trying for a baby for three years, before successfully getting pregnant. The couple told the press that it has indeed been an emotional journey and seeing other couples celebrating over pregnancies made them feel upset. Lisa gave birth to a healthy baby girl on August 15th.
Fertility struggles, as experienced by these celebs, is more common than you think and many other women in the world are experiencing the same ordeal. Evidently, discussing this issue with loved ones can be difficult and challenging for the couple, which is why many of them keep quiet about it.
We empathise with couples who are struggling with fertility, as we can only imagine how tough, emotionally straining and traumatic this whole journey can be for their relationship. Maybe they’re struggling, or maybe they just aren’t ready. Either way, respect that and stop asking couples when they’re having children.