While we’re all used to the idea of camping to unwind and be one with nature, Singaporean couples see camping as a way to set-up their instant “love nest”.
Singapore’s The New Paper found that people are setting up tents at the East Coast Park to get their nasty on. Though a hit with foreign couples, you’ll find these tents fully zipped-up, despite the scorching afternoon heat.
The New Paper did some on-ground work and found at least 50 tents set-up, within close proximity to one another. They reported that about a dozen of these tents were occupied by locals, while the rest were occupied by foreigners.

The reporters spotted a lovely couple – a Filipina and a foreign worker, embracing each each other in their tent, oblivious to the public. In another tent, they found a woman sitting on the lap of a shirtless man.
Last week, a couple – reportedly foreigners- were caught having sex inside a half-zipped tent. Criminal lawyers say that sex in public in Singapore, could get the couple prosecuted. [Source]
The East Coast Park in Singapore is a recreational park for families to enjoy the outdoors on the bicycles, rollerblades, or to have picnics or gather around their barbecue pits. But the sudden surge in instant “love nests” seem to be going out of hand and it’s really not at all innocent. Is this something Malaysians should take note off?
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