Working out when you’re full-figured, plus sized or overweight can be intimidating. Fortunately, it’s not impossible for larger women to find the right fitness regime – all you need is something that’s specific to your target areas, while keeping it simple enough to avoid any injuries or strains.
A lot of people believe that running is the only form of exercise that can help you lose weight fast, but it’s not really true for everyone. A lot of people have different metabolism levels and there are cases where running is not the right type of exercise when they’re as fit as a fiddle. There’s a good number of exercises that are perfect for overweight people, and we’re here to share them with you.
Here are some effective forms of exercise that are perfect for overweight and plus sized women.
1. Walking
Walking is a perfect form of exercise with low impact, while improving the strength and mobility in your lower body. A good pair of shoes and a pedometer app is all you need to keep your weight in check. Start walking for about 10 to 15 minutes a day, and gradually work your way for a full 30-minute session when your stamina starts to boost up. Don’t forget to hydrate when you’re feeling out of breath.
2. Aqua Aerobics
Aqua aerobics are perfect for people who suffer from pain in their joints or have difficulty moving. Swimming laps is also possible, but it can be too intense for some people who have trouble breathing when they swim. If there aren’t any water aerobics classes nearby, use the pool and try aqua jogging. Aqua jogging is where you simply run in the water with a buoyancy belt. With a buoyancy belt, you can jog with easy in the pool. It’ll be both fun and challenging, and you can hardly tell if you’re sweating or not.

3. Yoga
Yoga is a perfect exercise to improve your body’s mobility, general health, while improving the body’s alignment to reduce strain in the joints. Yoga can be tough for overweight beginners and it may actually do more damage to your joints than actual improvements, but it’s all about choosing the right poses that won’t strain the body. A great way to start is to learn from a qualified teacher who can modify certain poses to ensure your level of comfort. There are also numerous DVD and videos online that you can try. Yoga helps people feel more connected with their bodies, which eventually helps improve your self-image and acceptance of your body too.
4. Strength Training
Strength training is not just about lifting weights and building muscle. In addition to strengthening your muscles, it actually boosts your metabolism, even when your body is at rest. Yes, that means you’ll be burning off fat even while you’re on the couch watching reruns of your favorite show. You can start learning to lift weights when you’re at home, but it’s best to seek the help of a personal trainer or physician first. This is to avoid over-exerting yourself which can cause painful injuries. After all, the last thing you want is to be demotivated from working out, right?

5. Dancing
Dancing in general is an easy and fun form of exercise to do at any weight because it doesn’t particularly require any skill. You can do this at home in a comfortable pair of shoes, or take up a specific dancing style. Experts say that belly-dancing is a great form of exercise for full-framed women as it offers gentle movements and builds muscles without exerting too much pressure on the joints. Time to invest in a belly-dancing DVD!
Disclaimer: Before you start your fitness regime, seek the assistance of your physician for further consultation.