The difference between Marijuana Moms and Nancy Botwin (lead character of TV show Weeds), is that Nancy Botwin is a marijuana dealer and rarely ever consumes the product she sells. As for Marijuana Moms – they really know how to enjoy their marijuana.
The Marijuana Moms are a team of mothers in Beverly Hills, California who insists that smoking marijuana makes them better wives and parents. The team is made up of a group wealthy stay-at-home moms, part-time service industry workers, and one wife is a police officer. Let it be known that marijuana is legal with a legitimate prescription aka “medical marijuana”.
Instead of making the best key lime pies and roasts,these ladies throw pot luck parties with a menu of every stoner’s dream – cannabis leaf salad, chicken fried in cannabis oil and marijuana milk shakes. (Source)
One of the mothers, January Thomas, a mother of a 2-year-old daughter Zeena, says she smokes weed five times a day. She also believes the marijuana makes her a better and more creative parent.
“Marijuana makes me a better and more creative parent. It puts me in the moment with Zeena and stops me worrying about everyday problems. I want her to understand the benefits of cannabis so I read her books like ‘Mommy’s Funny Medicine’ and ‘It’s Just a Plant’ to teach her.”
Cheryl Shuman, a 53-year-old mother of two, said the group’s joint mission is to show that smoking marijuana makes them better parents and better wives:
“We’ve all come up against people who say marijuana is for dirty druggies,but we are proof you can be good parents and productive members of society and use it. I like to think we are bringing some glamor and exclusivity to marijuana use.”
Simmi Dhillon, a police woman, said marijuana for saving her marriage. In 2003, she sustained injuries from a car accident that left with chronic pain and a reliance on prescription painkillers.
“When I found medical marijuana, my life turned around. I was 37 and I tried a joint with my friend was smoking [and] for the for the first time in years I felt human. I was able to be the wife I wanted to be once again and it saved our marriage. Now I can talk to my 10-year-old son about drugs and be completely honest about it. Before I was like a zombie on prescription medication — now he’s got his mom back.” (Source)
Marijuana is commonly prescribed to patients who suffer from cancer and any chronic pain. As it is also a muscle relaxant with “antispasmodic” qualities, it’s been a very effective treatment for seizures, migraines, glaucoma, and even neurological disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder. Read more about it in the infograph below (Credit:
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