In Hollywood, the pressure to be the beautiful is extremely high, and celebrities result to extreme diets to look good. But what are some of the most popular diets that’s currently taking over the minds of our idols to stay so trim? We look into these fad diets that that help the stars look oh-so-good in those tight dresses!

Master Cleanse
RnB superstar, Beyonce has been reported to have lost a good deal of weight with the Master Cleanse. The diet basically involves eating nothing while drinking fresh lemonade mixed with pure maple syrup, purified water and cayenne pepper. According to MasterCleanse, dieters are encouraged to consume go on with the diet for at least 10 days to achieve results.
Not eating at all could possibly be the most extreme form of dieting, and even though you may be able to shed a few pounds, you’ll still be too weak to move, and once it’s over, you have a higher tendency to binge upon your first meal.
The Banana Diet
The banana diet was discovered by a pharmacist named Sumiko Watanabe. The diet began in Japan and is also known as the “glamor diet” as it is supposed to make your face appear smaller, burning waist and belly fat while creating more fuller breasts. Korean artist, Suh In Young was reported to have lost 6kgs in 4 weeks on a strict diet of bananas for breakfast and snack, while having low-calorie meals for lunch and dinner.
While bananas are relatively nutritious, they are also high in calories and it matches the concept of a fad diet, as opposed to a long-term style of healthy eating, which does not contribute to effective weight-loss according to a healthy lifestyle. Dietitian Kerri Glassman warns that the Banana Diet plays a psychological role on people’s mind, thinking that with the Banana Diet serves as a ‘magical food’ that stimulates weight-loss, and additionally does not encourage exercise. (Source)

The Baby Food Diet
The Baby Food Diet speaks for itself. This diet trend in Hollywood is a simple diet where pureed foods like carrots, tomatoes and meats are served in portion-controlled jars (like baby food jars) to prevent overeating while keeping satisfied with small portions of fresh food.
The benefit of the baby food diet is that it’s low in calories, rich in nutrients and most-likely free from additives and preservatives. However, the baby food diet was designed for babies, not adults. Adults require high calorie and nutrient needs, going overboard may result in fatigue, hormonal imbalance and does not serve as an ideal long-term eating lifestyle. Cheryl Cole and Jennifer Aniston are said to have done the baby food diet to maintain their slim and slender figures. (Source)
The Cookie Diet
Reality TV-star, Snooki revealed that she lost ten pounds easily with the cookie diet. Sadly, this diet is not as easy as reaching out for the first cookie we see. In 1975, an obesity physician need Dr Siegal developed a cookie formula to help his patients lose weight. Each cookie contains about 90 calories, and is full of selected amino acids to help suppress hunger, fiber and other ingredients that digest slowly to help keep your stomach feeling full. The Cookie Diet plan ideally consists of eating up to six cookies, and a small meal a day. (Source)
Although a diet on cookies might seem like a dream come true, the human body requires natural forms of fiber and protein to achieve smooth bowel movement and to detoxify to body from toxic substances. The cookie diet doesn’t provide the body with enough fibre, so while one could lose an impressive amount of weight, it may affect the body negatively.