You probably always associated coconut oil with hair care. That is, until Miranda Kerr came around saying she INGESTED coconut oil on a daily basis to maintain her supermodel looks. How does it work you wondered. Read on as we lay down the facts about coconut oil.
It started in the 1930s with Dr. Weston Price. Price ventured to the South Pacific Islands and found some lean and healthy islanders. Their diet consisted of high dietary fat thanks to coconut oil but they were not falling ill to heart issues and dealing with obesity like Americans often do. People began to realize that coconut oil could do things like support your immune system, boost your thyroid, and help your metabolism. The makeup of coconut oil is primarily medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are easily metabolized by the body so you have less fat build up.
So we know it can help out our insides, but then there’s the skin. While searching for coconut oil’s benefits on the skin, it is common to come across individuals talking about using it for their acne. We seen a lot of reviews from people claiming that the cheap and plentiful coconut oil has helped tame their acne. It helps dry skin and supposedly reduces wrinkle too!
Apparently coconut oil has two powerful anti microbial agents in capric acid and lauric acid. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-protozoa properties. However, there are those that claim that it caused them to break out because of their pores getting clogged while using it. As good as it can be, the fact is it works differently for one person to another.
Mind you , when we talk about coconut oil we are talking bout those virgin organic oil. That is what you should be adding to your salads, toast and also juices for health benefit. We do not want you running out to Brickfield and getting your coconut oil from there. Infact , your local health food store is more likely the place to find such items.
Miranda Kerr consumed 4 teaspoons on coconut oil on a daily basis. Is that the dosage, you may wonder. The safest way is to start small, with a teaspoon or two and increase your consumption in the months ahead. Do keep in mind that moderation should be key in every aspect of our life.