Why Single Is Sometimes Better
www.huffingtonpost.com Nowadays, it seems like every time you log on to Facebook, every body is either getting engaged, married or ...
www.huffingtonpost.com Nowadays, it seems like every time you log on to Facebook, every body is either getting engaged, married or ...
Photo via: www.yumsugar.com Remember the movie How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days where Kate Hudson exhibited a series of ...
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". Photo via jezzexclusive Is it possible to ...
Photo via We Got This Covered Whoever said casual dating was easy, clearly needs to rethink that statement. We all ...
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Photo via One Direction Prefss I lived with my boyfriend for two years before ...
Photo: Carly And Adam Monday blues? Here's something to cheer you up! I think most girls have always dreamt of ...
Photo: DivorcedAdInstitute You meet a guy at a fancy cafe and there's an instant connection - you both love Law ...
Most TV shows and movies have the same scenario that happens after a break-up: broken hearted guy/girl goes to a ...
Photo: Inmagine Some men seem to think that women have it easy when it comes to online dating. We get ...
Photo: My Opera When you've been with your partner for a significant period of time, everything can get quite routine ...
Photo: New Line Cinema A foreign exchange student from America believes that Singaporean men are the best, praising them for ...
Photo: Relationships Scotland Although self-help books like, "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" are everywhere, the romantic chemistry ...