There are many things a person shouldn’t do while naked, regardless of whether it’s “the most comfortably thing in the world”..or not. Don’t cook naked (for obvious reasons). Don’t operate heavy machinery (for more obvious reasons).
For crying out loud, don’t take videos of photos of yourself naked!
We know, we know, it’s sometimes fun to try to spice up your sex life (read: sexting). But it’s hardly wise to take and leave inappropriate photos of yourself in places that can be easily hacked into, saved, and uploaded to various channels or sent to lots of people. And no, an emptied recycle bin on your desktop doesn’t mean that the files cannot be retrieved from your hard drive in future.
Remember Edison Chen? Classic photo scandal case. In 2008, more than a thousand of private photos were lifted off his computer without him knowing when he sent it in for repair. What happened to the private photos? Illegally published and then spread like wildfire over various channels, including the uncontrollable Internet. The computer technician in question, of course, had to face time in jail for obtaining access to a computer with dishonest intent.
But the victims (including Edison Chen himself) will have to face a lifetime of shame.
Edison Chen, alongside Cecilia Cheung, Gillian Cheung, and Bobo Chan weren’t the only ones. A few Hollywood celebrities have also faced the same dilemma of having their private photos freely circulated via the virtual world. “Leaked photos”, they called it. They are:
1. Vanessa Hudgens – self-portrait photographs taken with her cellphone, leaked, 2007.
2. Rihanna – self-portrait photographs taken with her cellphone, leaked, 2009.
3. Jessica Alba – self-portrait photographs taken with her cellphone, leaked, 2010.
4. Blake Lively – self-portrait photographs taken with her cellphone, leaked, 2011.
5. Scarlett Johansson – self-portrait photographs taken with her cellphone, leaked, 2011.
To be perfectly honest, we’re quite baffled by the idea. Is it not enough to see yourself in all your “birthday suit” glory in the mirror every day? Why the need to document it and risk being exposed? If you’re unlucky, your laptop crashes following which, you will need to get it fixed and like we said, even deleted files are salvageable. Or, you lose your cellphone and off it goes, leaked into the interwebs with no restraints.
And you can send your lawyers or the police hot up the trails of the “distributors”, but let’s keep in mind that the general shelf-life of content on the Internet is a whole lot longer than other mediums.
Which brings us back to our point – don’t, for any reason at all take pictures of yourself, naked. Live by this mantra: If it’s inappropriate and you don’t want the world (your family, your colleagues, your friends) to see it, then don’t take it.