A YouTube star has raked in almost $5 million in ad revenue and all she does is open toy packages.
According to analytics company OpenSlate, the YouTube account – DC Toys Collector – is the highest earning YouTube account of 2014.
With more than 1,600 videos, the YouTuber unboxes toys based on Disney characters, including Frozen Lego and Minnie Mouse Kinder Eggs.
Her most popular video features a Disney Princess Play Doh dress making kit and it has been viewed more than 184 million times.
You’ll see her hands and her impeccably painted nails, but you’ll never see her face in the videos.
The channel has 3.5 million subscribers and it has racked up almost 4 billion views since joining YouTube in 2011.
The identity of the YouTuber remains a mystery, but she reveals that she’s an avid toy collector with a huge collection who speaks Spanish and Portuguese.
Maybe we should all start our own YouTube channel and try to make money out of it!